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(2023). Development of Ethyl Formate Disinfestation Treatment Methods for the Prevention of the Introduction and Establishment of Exotic Insect Pests in Greenhouse Cultivation. Agriculture 13(12), 2251.


(2023). Interplays between Cyanobacterial Blooms and Antibiotic Resistance Genes. Environment International, 181, 108268.


(2023). Ethyl Formate as a New Sanitary Treatment for Disinfesting the Hitchhiking Insect Pest Halyomorpha halys on Imported Nonfood Agricultural Machinery. Applied Sciences, 13(21), 11764.


(2023). Optimizing ethyl formate fumigation in greenhouse cucurbit crops for efficient control of major agricultural pests, Myzus persicae and Thrips palmi. Chem Biol Technol Agric, 10:112.


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(2023). A Novel Ethyl Formate Fumigation Strategy for Managing Yellow Tea Thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis) in Greenhouse Cultivated Mangoes and Post-Harvest Fruits. Insects 14(6), 568.


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